
Not your typical dinner-table conversation

A multi-dimensional trip through the cosmos with Michael O'Connor

I knew this project of “Cosmic Musings” would, at least at first, be a journey of self-exploration rather than an obligation or task on a schedule. So it’s been awhile since my I’ve been here.

One notable reason for the long span of time between posts is that diving into the infinite rabbit holes of cosmic cycles and concepts, gnosticism, esoteric correspondences, ancient cultures and history, current energetic patterns, the human condition and the myriad of other subjects and intel that I tap into and living a full life, caring for my responsibilities, spending time with and friends, making music, growing food … oh, and sleeping … there just aren’t enough hours in the day (yet).

And I am not alone. I have been connecting or reconnecting with others who share my quest for knowledge and deeper meaning and purpose of our human origins, our existence and our experiences here on Earth and beyond. Due to a controversial global event in recent years, many of us have undertaken an unexpected but necessary task of reorganizing our friends & family list so as we resurface, we’re discussing and sharing our new discoveries and perspectives and collaborating with each and feeling seen, heard and understood again.

As mentioned in a previous Cosmic Musings, I have followed Astrolger and now friend, Michael O’Connor for many years. Since becoming a Foundational Certified Shamanic Astrologer myself and having gained other training and experience, I’m able to learn even more from him and riff on many topics we both like to explore. In fact, we even share some resonant points on our charts that reflect the flow of the ideas you’ll hear in this talk.

And because we all have much to read, watch and hear, I like to keep these musings relatively short so this is just Part 1 of our trip through the cosmos!

For more on the great shift of ages we’re in, I was honored to host a recent interview with Bibhu Dev Misra, Author of Yuga Shift: The End of the Kali Yuga & the Impending Planetary Transformation and Daniel Giamario, Founder of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School and the Shamanic Astrology™ approach as they discuss the Yuga cycles, the Great Turning of the Ages and the time of massive change that all of humanity is experiencing: