Jul 12Liked by Lizzie Kay

Spectacular! I’m so glad you made it. What a trip! Beautiful in many ways. No—Travel is not so easy ;) Read a couple of posts from Turning of the Ages blog. I like it! Thank you for sharing your journey through your storytelling & beautiful photos.

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Yes thank youuu!! It was an amazing experience thar continues to unfold ... still integrating it all!!! 🌀😇🙏

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I would really like to explore more with you of what you said about possibly knowing me or another me in this lifetime. That touches on something major I have been feeling but am having a hard time putting together especially with words.

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I forgot to also mention that I just purchased a new oracle deck a few days ago call Druid Wisdom which has Amazing imagery of stones and circles such as these. Cool synchronicity I wanted to share with you.

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Ahhhh wonder-full!! I gotta have that! I definitely had transmissions about the Druid time/culture while with the stones in Callanish! If it interests you, Dolores Cannon's book, "Horns of the Goddess" (the last one she was working on before she died) gives some amazing accounts of Druidic life in different historical times.

Hmmm 🤔 maybe we have/had a connection from "that time"

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Without a doubt we did/do! I will definitely check that out, even the title is extremely intriguing. The deck is by Andres Engracia - Druid Wisdom. It is an awesome little deck packed full of some very sacred energy, you can feel it right away. My partner hadn't even looked at the images and was already taken by it just by holding it.

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The energy pulsing through these photos is Magnificent! I know & feel that such a huge part of why I am here, a part of this Earth, is to travel to these sacred places. You are such an inspiration and there is just something about you that is so familiar on a very deep level. Thank you for sharing your incredible experience 🌌 I am looking forward to reading more of what you share.

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Thanks so much, Celeste!! Yes, these (and other) stones are so powerful!! Stone structures, mountains, boulders, crystals, and buildings! There's such a palpable vibration to them and memory and history and weather combined with the energy/magnetics of the site and aligned with cosmological events ... whoosh!!! I can tell you too are very connected to 'energetics' (I believe we discover what that means for us as we go) which would mean these pictures and stones would deeply resonate - it would also mean it's difficult to be in a world full of unstable/fluctuating (nefarious?) energies. I think that's why stones and stone structures can be very grounding but also activating in a way that "attunes." Does that make sense?

And it's SOO interesting you mention feeling very familiar on a deep level ... I was going to tell you the same thing!! As if I've even known you, or another you, in this lifetime; but also at some kind of "root energetic" level. A "knowing" ... like, "I get you" as if I've known you for a long time. This quite an interesting connection to explore!! ... 🙏💖

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Agreed! In a very, Very excited way! 😹 😻

It is a feeling that is difficult for me to put into words. It has been a very lonely life in many ways so I am beyond grateful to feel such close connections now with such Incredible people.

I am so happy that you mentioned buildings being in the same vibration as our 'Earthly' wonders, I feel that deeply as I have always been very drawn to certain buildings (I quoted 'Earthly' like that because as I was typing I got a download that not all of our crystals, stone structures and boulders are native to Earth or Earth alone. That was super interesting.)

I appreciate you using the word "nefarious" because that is the damn Truth. I was just speaking to someone about the nefarious and sadistic manipulation of the Sacral energy of children in particular.

It makes so much sense! I love that you said 'in a way that attunes.' That puts much together.

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